Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm



The CAC’s goal is to empower community members and professionals with information, knowledge, and tools to positively impact children and families who have experienced abuse.

Our trainings focus on the following:

  • Prevention: Increasing awareness and understanding of child abuse and fostering safety;
  • Intervention: Providing information on recognizing the signs, responding to disclosure, reporting abuse, and the multidisciplinary team response;
  • Treatment & Therapy: Increasing skills and knowledge for professionals who are helping victims recover and heal.


Please click here to schedule a consultation with our Prevention staff.

Circles with Various Colors

Training Offerings

Youth Serving Organizations

  • Keeping Kids Safe:
    Basic Child Sexual Abuse
    Prevention, 2 hours

  • Problematic Sexual
    Prevention and intervention
    best practices, 1hours

  • CSEC 101:
    Basics of Commercial Sexual
    Exploitation of Children, 1 hour

  • Handle With Care
    Connecting first responders and
    school staff to support children
    after a traumatic event, 30-45 min
  • Trauma Sensitive
    Practical tips for creating a
    trauma sensitive classroom
    2 hours

  • Mandated Reporting
    1.5 hours

  • Self Care for Educators
    1 hour


  • Keeping Kids Safe:
    Child sexual abuse prevention
  • Youth with Problematic
    Sexual Behavior
    Identifying and preventing
    problematic sexual behavior
    1 hr
  • Online Safety
    Tips and tools for how to create a
    safe online environment for
  • Project Selfie
    An online safety training
    for youth 7th-12th grades
  • Recognize and Respond
    to Child Abuse


  • Mandated Reporting
  • Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children- Learn what is developmentally appropriate and what to do if a behavior is not.
  • Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse- What are the signs and what do you do if you suspect a child is being abused?


  • Handle With Care- Training for teachers and school staff on the function of Handle With Care and what to do when a notification is received.
  • Trauma Informed Classrooms- This two hour training focuses on tangible ways that teachers can make their classrooms more trauma informed, and learn to switch their mindset to be more trauma sensitive
  • Bounce Back- An elementary based program for children who have experienced a traumatic event and are exhibiting trauma stress symptoms

24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 792-5200

In Hampshire County, call:


(Amherst, Chesterfield, Cummington,
Easthampton, Goshen, Hadley,
Hatfield, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield,
Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington)


(Huntington, Southampton)


(Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley, Ware)

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