Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

593 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01060

37 Main Street, Unit D Belchertown, MA 01007

Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm

Circles with Various Colors



& Justice

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Hampshire County (CAC) provides a coordinated, culturally competent, multidisciplinary team response to allegations of child abuse in a dedicated, child-friendly setting. At the CAC child survivors of abuse can access free, trauma-informed services to help them heal and thrive.

Circles with Various Colors

This Little Light of Mine 2025

April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.
Join us for "This Little Light of Mine" a community luminaria event to help shine a light on the issue of child abuse in our community.

Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County Luminarias

Proudly ServingHampshire County, MA

Map of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Showing the Location of the Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County

Our Mission

The Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County's mission is to prevent and end child abuse in our community by providing safety, healing, and justice.

“The CAC was the first place we were able to start healing as a family.”


"That was the worst time of our lives, but the CAC helped us find joy and comfort through it all."


"Coming to the CAC is really helping me and reminding me it is not my fault."

-Teen Survivor

"I feel happy and safe when I am there."

-8 Year Old Survivor

"They have slowly and successfully helped me get back to being who I am."

-14 Year Old Survivor

"I feel welcomed and loved every time I go to the CAC."


"I give to the Children’s Advocacy Center because I want to help make sure kids are safe and have a place to go if they need help."


"I support the CAC because unfortunately, child abuse is something that occurs in our community too frequently. The protection of children from abuse and exploitation is everyone's responsibility."

-Nancy Lapointe, Board President

“As a pediatric emergency medicine physician, I have witnessed first-hand the trauma children can suffer and the impact the CAC has on them and their families. The CAC and their staff provide much needed support and advocacy during these very difficult times.  Hampshire County families are better because of the CAC”

-Board Member, Dr. Estevan Garcia, Dartmouth College

"As a member of the Board of Directors, I know I can make a difference by spreading the CAC’s mission in the community, recommending tours of the facility, and simply supporting Kara and her wonderful team. This board is phenomenal, we are diverse, engaged, and committed to supporting our most vulnerable citizens."

-Board Member, Jim Wage, UMassFive College Credit Union

"Serving on the board of directors for a non-profit benefiting survivors of child abuse has been a profound experience. Working alongside collaborative board members, who feel passionate about the CAC’s service to children, invigorates us to innovate and improve our advocacy and outreach. In this way, we hope to contribute to the healing and empowerment of each child who walks through the door of the CAC."

-Board Member, Marlene Musante

“25 years ago, I became a member of the Advisory Board for the fledgling CAC. Over the years, I have listened to the brave victims of child abuse speak about their experiences and how much the staff at the CAC have helped them through this incredibly difficult process. I am so proud that I have been a part of the journey to create this safe place where children can tell their story and begin the healing process.”

-Board President, Nancy Lapointe

“30 years ago, I lost my daughter and grandson as a result of a violent crime. It was then I decided to commit my life and voice to support all victims of child abuse. My work with the CAC for the last 15 years has been a natural extension of my lifelong commitment to honoring my daughter and grandson. The CAC ensures all victims of abuse have a safe haven where they can be heard, protected, and receive the resources they need to heal.”

-Board Member, Yoko Kato

Circles with Various Colors

Get Involved

The Children’s Advocacy Center is a hub for child safety, advocacy, and healing. Join us in ensuring Hampshire County children have all the resources they need to lead happy, healthy lives. Together we can make a difference in the lives of kids.

Did You Know?


of the children we serve are sexual abuse survivors


children helped in Hampshire County


of the children we serve are under 7 years old

24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 792-5200

In Hampshire County, call:


(Amherst, Chesterfield, Cummington,
Easthampton, Goshen, Hadley,
Hatfield, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield,
Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington)


(Huntington, Southampton)


(Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley, Ware)

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